Breast augmentation

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Breast augmentation: What is it?

Breast augmentation surgery in India is a popular surgical technique that enhances the size and form of one’s breasts. This procedure involves the placement of breast implants or the transfer of fat to achieve the desired outcome.

What are the various types of breast augmentation?

There two type of breast augmentation are breast implants and fat transfer augmentation. These categories offer various options for achieving the desired appearance and texture of the breasts. It is essential to conduct thorough research and understand the advantages and disadvantages of each option, as well as consult with a certified plastic surgeon, before deciding on breast augmentation. The most prevalent form of breast enhancement is through the use of breast implants. There are a variety of breast implant choices available, such as:

  • Saline breast implants: These implants are filled with sterile saline (salt water). If the implant ruptures within the breast, the body will naturally absorb and eliminate the saline.
  • Structured saline breast implants: These implants are filled with sterile saline (salt water) and have an inner structure to provide a more natural feel.
  • Silicone breast implants: Made of silicone gel, these implants can either retain the gel within the shell or leak into the breast if damaged. Regular visits to the plastic surgeon may be necessary to ensure proper functioning.
  • Form-stable breast implants: Known as gummy bear implants, these implants maintain their shape even if the shell breaks. They consist of a thicker silicone gel and have a firmer texture compared to traditional implants. A longer incision is required for insertion.
  • Round breast implants: These implants create a fuller appearance in the breasts. As they are spherical, they do not alter the breast’s shape if they rotate out of place.
  • Smooth breast implants: These implants have the softest texture among all types. They provide a more natural look to breast movement compared to other implants.
  • Textured breast implants: These implants promote scar tissue formation to adhere to the implant, reducing the likelihood of movement within the breast. Although rare, a type of cancer called Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) is more common in individuals with textured breast implants.

Breast augmentation with fat transfer: During a breast augmentation with fat transfer, your doctor will utilize liposuction to extract fat from a different part of your body and then inject it into your breasts. This procedure is typically chosen by individuals who desire a modest increase in their breast size. In the majority of cases, the surgeon will harvest fat cells from one of the following locations:

  • The area around your stomach.
  • The sides and lower part of your abdomen.
  • Your posterior.
  • Your upper legs.

What is the reason behind individuals undergoing breast augmentation procedures?

There are numerous factors that may lead you to desire or opt for breast augmentation surgery, such as:

  • If you feel that your breasts are small, you can alter their appearance.
  • If one of your breasts is smaller than the other, you can adjust their symmetry.
  • If your breasts have decreased in size after pregnancy or significant weight loss, you can make changes.
  • In case of any asymmetry or problems with your breasts following breast surgery for other conditions, you can address them.

Enhancing your self-confidence and self-worth is another reason for changing the appearance of your breasts.

Details of the Procedure

Prior to undergoing breast augmentation, you will have a consultation with a plastic surgeon. It is important to prepare for this meeting by considering the changes you would like to make to your breasts. Keep in mind that the goal is not perfection, but rather improvement. Additionally, it is essential to be in good mental and physical condition and to have realistic expectations.

During your consultation with the surgeon, you will be asked in-depth inquiries regarding your medical background, which may include:

  • Please provide a list of the medications you are currently taking.
  • Do you have any allergies that we should be aware of?
  • Have you ever smoked in the past? If yes, please provide your smoking history.
  • Have you undergone any surgeries in the past?
  • Have you experienced any breast-related issues in the past, such as lumps or previous mammograms? Additionally, please inform us if there is any family history of breast issues.

What steps should take to get ready for breast augmentation surgery?

Before undergoing breast augmentation surgery, your surgeon may instruct you to:

  • Undergo a blood test.
  • Make changes to current medications or take new ones.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Refrain from consuming certain foods or beverages.
  • Avoid the use of aspirin and specific anti-inflammatory drugs, as they may lead to increased bleeding.
  • Cease using recreational drugs.

Before your surgery, it is essential to adhere to all instructions provided by your surgeon. This will not only ensure a smoother surgery but also aid in proper healing.

It is important to make arrangements for transportation after your surgery and to have someone stay with you on the first night. Additionally, plan to take a minimum of three days off from work. If your job is physically demanding, it may require a longer absence of approximately three weeks.

Prior to undergoing breast augmentation surgery, it is important to prepare a designated space in your home for your recovery. Your surgeon will prescribe pain medication and/or acetaminophen (Tylenol®) for you.

If your surgeon recommends it, you may also need to use an ointment or cream on your incision sites and Make sure to have clean gauze on hand to cover your incision sites. It is important to have loose and comfortable button-down blouses or shirts to wear during your recovery.

The process of breast augmentation surgery

The process of breast augmentation surgery includes several stages. Here is a breakdown of these steps.

The process of anesthesia

The surgery will be carried out by your surgeon either while you are under general anesthesia (which will put you to sleep) or through IV sedation. The decision on which method to use will be made collaboratively between you and your surgeon.

The surgical cut

The process of breast augmentation can be carried out through various methods by your surgeon.

  • The inframammary fold, located under the breast, is one possible entry point for the surgery.
  • Another option is the periareolar incision, along the edge of the areola.
  • Alternatively, the transaxillary approach, which involves going through the armpit, can also be used.

Prior to your surgery, your surgeon will engage in a discussion with you regarding the available methods. Together, you will evaluate and decide on the most suitable approach for your specific needs.

Insertion of an implant

Your surgeon has two options for inserting the implant: placing it either under your breast tissue or behind your breast muscle (pectoral muscle). The placement of the implant is determined by several factors, such as the type of implant selected and the desired increase in breast size. It is recommended to consult with your surgeon to weigh the advantages of each method and jointly make a decision.

Sealing the wound

Once your surgeon has placed your implants, the incision sites will be stitched together and drainage tubes may be utilized. It is imperative that you adhere to your surgeon’s post-operative instructions for the incision site. A gauze bandage will cover your breasts and you may be required to wear a surgical bra upon returning home.

What occurs following a breast augmentation?

Following your breast augmentation procedure, a medical professional will escort you to a designated room for monitoring as you regain consciousness. You will be discharged from the hospital once you have reached a stable condition, typically within an hour.

Upon completion of your breast augmentation surgery, your surgeon will provide you with personalized guidelines for your recovery process and arrange a follow-up visit. In case of any discomfort, your surgeon will also prescribe pain medication. If you have drainage tubes, your surgeon will inform you of the appropriate time to have them removed and provide instructions for removing the gauze bandages.

The stitches placed by your surgeon will typically be removed after one week. It is advised to avoid heavy lifting for a minimum of four weeks. In the case of being involved in physical activities such as sports, it may require up to six weeks before resuming those activities.

Pros and Cons

Advantages of breast augmentation

Individuals often choose to undergo breast augmentation in order to alter the visual appearance of their breasts, which can potentially lead to a boost in self-assurance and self-worth.

Potential risks and reactions associated with breast augmentation

Similar to all surgical procedures, there may be potential side effects and risks associated with breast augmentation surgery. These side effects can include:

  • Discomfort and heightened susceptibility in the area surrounding the nipple.
  • Infection is a common concern after surgery.
  • Problems with wound healing can also arise.
  • Another possible complication is hematoma, which is the accumulation of blood in the surgical site.

Potential long-term complications that may arise from breast augmentation surgery include:

  • Scar tissue formation, also referred to as capsule contracture, can occur.
  • Implant sagging can cause breasts to droop.
  • When breast implants shift towards the center of the chest, it is called symmastia and can give the illusion of one continuous breast.
  • Fluid buildup around an implant, known as seroma, is possible.
  • Implants are not meant to last forever and may require additional procedures in the future.

How long does it take to recover from breast augmentation?

The time it takes to recover from breast augmentation surgery can differ greatly for each individual, as it depends on the specific type of surgery and the individual’s overall health. Generally, it can take approximately six to eight weeks to fully recover.

Breast Augmentation cost in India are as follow

Treatment Cost Starts From ($) Hospital Stay
Breast Augmentation 2500-3000 1 Day
Rhytidoplasty Surgery 1500-2000 1-2 Days
Breast lift surgery 1200-1500 1-2 Days
Face lift surgery 2500-3000 1 Day
Thigh Lift surgery 1000 3-4 Days
Mentoplasty Treatment 1200-1800 1 Day
Liposuction Surgery 800-1200 1 Day


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